
Gallery Obere Mühle, Dübendorf
april 29 to may 15 2011
A group exhibition called “Homestories” features four artists from Dübendorf: Elfi Anderegg, Brigitte Fries, Brigitt Lademann and Bettina Solinger.
Living in the suburb, everyday life in a residential district is the point of departure for this theme. The varying and entirely individual works created for the exhibition enter into a fascinating dialogue. Art historian Gabriele Lutz gave the introductory speech at the opening.
Decorating the interior of an apartment is a creative activity to which many people give full rein. Living spaces express lifestyles and status. One dreams of having a flat in a given style, drawing inspiration from pictures in interior design magazines. A flat reveals a lot about its inhabitants. For precisely this reason, it is very tempting to peer into other people’s flats: Homestories. Indeed, always a very intimate moment, even if no one is taking a bubble bath.
I have constructed the model of a “living labyrinth,” allowing viewers to gape without restraint. A tour d'horizon of dream homes or homage to the residential district. At the same time, however, the model also allows for conglomeration, a coalescence of colour, content and style. The “interior“ is a genre in the manner of a “still life.”

apartments separate
acryl glass
transparencies prints
15 apartments
each 30 x 28 x 24 cm

„apartments labyrinth“

sihlquai55, Zurich
november 9 to 27 2012