volume air



Kulturort Gallery Weiertal, Winterthur
‘Alles im grünen Bereich’
mai 28 to september 13 2020


“Whirligig” deals with the invisible matter of “air” once again. This time, however, not with a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer, but with the inextricable nature of the wind itself. Every type of wind is embedded in a world-wide air circulation system and becomes local only near the ground: world-wide wind. Standing at the edge of the orchard in Weiertal is a rotary clothes dryer, converted into a whirligig. The laundry takes over the role of the wind propellers. When passing lone houses or farms in the countryside, pieces of laundry waving like flags in the wind reveal that someone lives there. The laundry also reveals whether it’s a family or a man’s household, whether they are young or old, sporty or overweight. It’s very intimate.
When the wind – whether it’s from the west, the east, or a northeasterly – makes the wheel spin, thereby connecting this highly intimate very closely with the whole world.
Perhaps the spinning also helps the laundry dry faster. A wind tumbler, so to speak. I am particularly interested in the stories that are hidden in everyday things. I want to make them visible with as simple a spin as possible. In this work, I rely on the wind, which, as they say, is a fickle fellow. I deliberately do not want to help it technically. It turns the rotary dryer when it wants.
